Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Summary of Chapter 7

I uploaded this picture from Google. Just thought I would share some humor after all this KKK talk!
 This Chapter talks about the Ku Klux Klan and how it would have taken over the world if Journalism didn’t exist to witness it. The KKK was very religious, all American white men, who were against minorities. It hit the fan in 1921 when flyers were printed out saying that the Klan was exposed. Articles were soon printed after that talking about how the KKK should be illegal. The KKK filed for a libel suit trying to cover up their secret society. Rowland Thomas was one step ahead of them, and had already made copies of the “World” to use as evidence. They were finally bare! The media was all over their scam and were already printing out articles to expose them for the evil monsters they were. The “New York World”, “Memphis Commercial Appeal”, and “Montgomery Advertiser” were the reason this all happened.

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