Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Ku Klux Klan

Chapter 7 Defying the Ku Klux Klan:
- William Joseph led a dozen men up a rocky trail on the granite crest of Stone Mountain.
                - With the Bible in hand, the preacher led the men to the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan
                - KKK captured the governorship and enough of the legislature to ban parochial schools.
                - The anti-Klan campaign began in 1921 in the New York World
Sweeping the Nation:
                -The original KKK was formed in 1866 to prevent slaves from exercising their rights.
                -KKK promised to provide better schools, improve laws, and hold the traditional values that were being threatened by the roaring twenties
                - Their secret society was growing larger everyday
The New York World Hurls a Hand Grenade:
                -In 1921, NY ads were posted that read “Ku Klux Klan exposed!”
                - The KKK scammed 40 million dollars in initiation fees
                - Articles were being printed talking about how the KKK was illegal and immoral
                - When the word got out, KKK purchased 3000 copies of the world
                -When that didn’t work, they threatened to sue for making false accusations
                - The reporter, Rowland Thomas made copies of these articles so he can expose them to the police.
The Commercial Appeal in Hand-to Hand Combat
                -In 1923, the Klan-newspaper unfolded in Memphis
                -“Commercial Appeal” criticized the Klan as a “money making scam” (115)
                - There were cartoon drawings of the Klan showing them as cowards hiding behind a mask
                - The “Commercial Appeal” and the Klan were finally at a war
                -Elected W. Joe Wood for mayor and other Klan’s-men for the Memphis City commission
                - To piss off the “Commercial Appeal”, they hosted the protest right across the street from the building.
                - “Commercial Appeal” posted more stories about the Klan negatively
                -Klan was defeated, 60 percent of the vote went to Major Paine
                - Congratulated the newspaper “Commercial Appeal” for revealing the Klan

The Montgomery Advertiser Wages War
                -The “Montgomery Advertiser” should also get some praise for the KKK defeat
                -Grover Cleveland Hall editor of “Montgomery Advertiser”
                - His editorials illustrated specific events that happened
                -New York Times stated “The floggings are attributed to the salutary moral forces of the Ku Klux Klan, the ruler of Alabama” (122).
                - Hall listed each negative thing about Alabama and added his own opinions about the Klan
                - The Advertiser could be sued for all the negative things that it said about the KKK. We’re talking about 25,000 dollars.
                - Hall was infuriated and immediately did something about it
                - Won a Pulitzer Prize in 1928
Turning Back the Ku Klux Klan:
                -The “New York World”, “Memphis Commercial Appeal”, and “Montgomery Advertiser” were all a positive effect in Journalism.
                -Huge impact on New York City
                -KKK couldn’t attract our fellow New Yorkers
                -John Hohenberg wrote the “Pulitzer Prize Story” that covered the anti-Klan

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